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Media lynching to Jusapol spokesman for a private joke

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Nationalist media have taken advantage of a private joke by the national police about 'killing menas' by receiving a knife as a gift
Voces Layetanas
Jandro Lión 02/09/2019 2237
On August 12, a gift to a National Police, consisting of a razor, at a party Jusapol in Manzanares (Ciudad Real), wreaked havoc in the Secessionist Media, such as,, and even in social networks, such as the Twitter of Izquierda Unida, or of coup icons such as Albert Donaire, a ANC collaborator who talks to CDRs, and ending on public television such as Antena 3 news, and the Risto Mejide show ("Todo es mentira") on the channel Cuatro. All this because certainly there were some unfortunate words by this National Police to receive the gift: "The number of people that I am going to kill with this, that all Menas (for Unaccompanied minor immigrants) are prepared". The jocular comment was immediately followed by laughter, because NO ONE doubted that it was a joke expressed in a playful, joking, festive, family atmosphere, even at this stage of the party with certain beers ingested. No one? False. The secessionist media took the words literally, but avoided the main characteristic of that joking statement. A single magic word: "PRIVATE".
This phrase, said in a video that went viral over a day, which wasn't recorded or published or erased by the affected agent, was a clear attempt to discredit the Jusapol association composed of Civil Guards and National Police, using the identity of this police agent and Youtuber, Jandro Lion.
The Media, shielding the maneuver behind Article 20 of the Spanish Constitution, which is the FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, put the images, with the fully identifying face, with the real name and surname of the police and with qualifiers such as "FASCIST, NAZI, DISGUSTING" etc.
Absolutely no one has said that Article 18 of the Spanish Constitution speaks of RESPECT FOR HONOR, PUBLIC IMAGE AND PERSONAL AND FAMILY INTIMITY.
Nor has anyone commented that Article 20, freedom of expression, in its section 2 says that there will be no prior censorship, but of course, it must be thought that it is what is going to be published, because in section 4 it demands to have that respect Article 18, that is to say, freedom of expression will find limitation in the honor of the affected person, public image and family and personal privacy, as well as special protection for children. If this is not respected, section 5 facilitates the WITHDRAWAL OF PUBLICATIONS, but the problem is that it will be by judicial resolution, that is, complaints, money, lawyer and solicitor, and of course, because the vast majority of citizens are mileurists, we don't have the capacity to report 20,000 necessary complaints when something like this happens, if we take into account that each complaint has an average cost of 1500 €, but waiting more than a year and a half for justice to do its job and remove those publications, with wear and damage.
But beware! They have also violated Law 15/99 on Data Protection and subsequently improved in another Law 3/2018, when their name and surname are published without any kind of consent. Article 6 of that Data Protection Law says so. You need the CONSENT OF THE AFFECTED.
Curiously, some of the nationalist spokesmen who have spread these private words the most are among those enraged when the conversations, also private, were disseminated among nationalist politicians of the nationalists Esquerra Republicana joking that the criterion for the selection of nationalist candidates was "The one with the biggests tits". I want to think that both now and then all is about private jokes, and as long as the Esquerra leaders don't effectively select their candidates based on the size of the bra or the leader of Jusapol doesn't start "killing menas" there has been no reprehensible facts apart from the questionable bad taste of their jokes.
In summary:
Many media outlets seek their audience by generating false controversies based on violating the fundamental rights and current laws of citizens when they need to, and with the current justice we cannot do anything about it.
We need to change this situation, since we all have the right to be able to express ourselves privately without a clipper. The out-of-context use of private conversations has consequences such as death threats that have occurred following the publication of this conversation by paid and valueless journalists. In other cases and in other places the irresponsibility of these unprofessional professionals has led to the suicide of those affected who saw how an unfortunate word said in private could destroy their lives.
Freedom of expression? Of course.
Respect for privacy? Above all.

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